DSA in python

Why, indeed?

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You may ask why does this need an article, well let me elaborate as to why indeed?
You'll find a lot of people around you telling you why C++ or Java is great when it comes to cracking interviews like here and if you are a college freshman, I'd advise you the same thing. These languages will give you the foundation with which you can understand DSA thoroughly in a way that everything will just make sense; how the computer memory works, how the stack works, how your code is working really and as a person who loves coding (that's what I think of myself because I need to know everything when I'm coding, it's inside out on the table) this is something which matters a lot.

So, you may now ask, why are you doing DSA in python then? Well, for one I've invested a lot of my time in writing python code and I thoroughly understand it now as well. For me, I can switch but understanding the concept behind searching and sorting algorithms seems more important than learning the syntax and working of a language I have never touched in my life.

I have a senior who has done DSA in python, which gave me quite a boost but he, later on, switched to C++ for competitive programming which is a good thing to do, because of code runtime and stuff discussed on the link above as well. The reason why one should learn C++ again. It's quite fast really.

At the end of the day, I've decided to continue my DSA path in python even though I had been having doubts and I still think I'll keep having those, though excellence in a thing is better than dividing the focus on another language I have no idea about and making a mess of it all at the end of the day. Writing this blog is kinda important as well because I don't want to waste my time thinking about whether my choice of language is right or not and keep on doubting myself, when I should be focusing on my problem-solving skills and language is a tool in communicating ideas. So, let me say it once and for all, I'm doing DSA in python and I don't regret it.

"First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson

If you are like me and use python for DSA, shoot me a dm @hercodeshots or comment below, it'll motivate me a lot and being with people like me will be awesome :)

Till the next blog on my series of learning DSA!